Maki Sakurai
January 11, 1979 (age 43)
"Asobu-hito" actor, director, performer, producer, communication education facilitator,
Representative of the performance unit Senya Niya
"Galaxy 2072" "An Ordinary Family"
"Galaxy 2072" "An Ordinary Family"
NHK "Ryomaden" "Tsubasa" EX "Rinjyo"
"Cowra's HANCHO meeting A-side" in Australia Rinkogun
"Cowra's HANCHO meeting A-side" in Australia Rinkogun
"Chanpon" in Korea International Exchange Theater Camp
"The Moon of Remembrance"
directed by Julie Anne Stanzak (TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL)
directed by Julie Anne Stanzak (TANZTHEATER WUPPERTAL)
"Come, Hold My Hand" in Korea Pumasi International Theatre and Performing Arts Festival
"Fools on the hill" Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project
"The Secret Story" directed by Davide Doro Ricca Ricca Festival
He has also participated as a performer in youth and children's theater productions, in TYA (Theatre for Young Audiences) programs as a facilitator too, and has been involved in playback theater etc.
In the performance group Senya Niya (launched in 2018) he represents.
In the group, making works is based on picture books, using dividing techniques without scripts, and perform using wooden blocks etc.
He holds workshops in Japan and abroad using acting techniques, drama therapy, coaching, some communication education techniques etc. And in Fuchu City, Tokyo, where He is based, He conducts creative workshops including mental and physical care for citizens (registered as a lecturer at Fuchu City Citizen's Activity Center Platz).
He actives in a wide range of genres under the theme of "Connecting Life and Art"
Past Activities
Maki Sakurai and Senya Niya, Activity Introduction Video
"Galaxy 2072"
"Galaxy 2072"
Directed by Hiroshi Koike
UP Link at kichijoji
15 sec.
30 sec.
80 sec.
"An Ordinary Family"
Directed by Daisuke Iwai (Oct. 2022)
"Micro-Art-Work-ation" is a new type of work-ation(work+Vacation) proposed by Arts council-Shizuoka
The event was held in Gotemba area.
I participated as a traveler (artist).
Arts council-Shizuoka HP
Micro・Art・work-ation 2022
If you would like to see the itinerary of the trip.
Day 1 ″Here comes the Traveler”
Day 2 ″Maki stroll”
Day 3 ″Strength of Connection”
Day 4 ″Touching Each Other”
Day 5 ″Community in the Outdoors”
Day 6 ″Gathering Place”
Day 7 ″When it's time to return to a place you want to return to”
Summary ″Connecting Life and Art”
Seya Niya
Directed by Maki Sakurai
(oct. 2022)
Directed by Maki Sakurai
(oct. 2022)
Japan Children's and
Youth Theatre Association
Youth Theatre Association
"Appettoppe Daccha”
Directed by Noboru Okubora
(Puppet Theatre Claret July 2021)
Directed by Ayaka ono/Yō Nakazawa (Mar,2020)
″Ice and Winter”
Hiroshi Koike Bridge Project
"Fools on the hill”
"The Hunters in the Woods”
"The Hunters in the Woods”
Directed by Hiroshi Koike
"Fools on the hill” (Jan.2020)
"The Hunters in the Woods"
Composer: Ayaka Gokan, Takahiro Kuroda,
Noriaki Mori, Shunsuke Azuma
Photo: Satoshi Yamada
Landscape with Dance Project
(Oct, 2021- Mar, 2022)
Organized by Company zer○
The performance dares to venture out of the theater, and into the
town, in an open space where one's viewpoint is not determined.
we feel the power of the land,the power of the building,
and the vibrations of the bodies and energies of the creatures.
To achieve these, we collaborate with various fields of expertise and
repeat learning, practices, and discussion.
This project explores the possibilities of time and space for dancing
as there are.
Architants Project (Oct,2019)
"The Moon of Remembrance"
Directed by
Ricca Ricca Festival (July,2019)
"My Secret Story"
Directed by Davide Doro
(A part of Performance the video)
TYA Festival in JAPAN
Directed by Kenjiro Otani (Jan,2018)
This program was to invite Asian children's theater
artists to Japan to create works for children.
Workshop Career
Organized by Sense Theatre
January 20-22, 2023
「Body Mechanism and
Devising Creative Workshop」
Rasta Hall, Itami, Japan

Sense theatre gave me a chance to do the
workshop in kansai area for the first time.
I really appreciate that.
The theme of the workshop was
"How to create a space for creation,"
"How to create with devising" and so on.
I started with the connection between the body,
brain, and mind, and how they work together.
Sense theatre gave me a chance to do the
workshop in kansai area for the first time.
I really appreciate that.
The theme of the workshop was
"How to create a space for creation,"
"How to create with devising" and so on.
"How to create a space for creation,"
"How to create with devising" and so on.
I started with the connection between the body,
brain, and mind, and how they work together.
brain, and mind, and how they work together.
Physical workshop with Davide Doro
Organized by Senya Niya
(August 2022)
(August 2022)
Davide Doro (Compagnia Rodisio)
Actor, scripter, writer and director.
In 1997, he began working with Manuela Capece, also an actor, writer, and director, and in 2005 they founded Compagnia Rodisio. Since then, they have presented productions for children and adults in Italy and abroad, as well as training programs for children, teens, and adults.
His works have been translated into 10 languages (French, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Catalan, Greek, Russian, German, Danish, and Japanese.)
He has also created in England, Japan, Russia, Denmark, and Liechtenstein, as well as in Italy. In order to create engaging theater, his productions are inspired by real life experiences and are presented with a unique sense of irony and humor.
At the heart of Compagnia Rodisio's work is material gathered over years of workshops with children in theaters and schools in Italy and abroad. These materials are refined, transformed, and composed into works of art. The words, ideas, and images obtained from years of field research are brought back to life through the performance.
The theatrical productions that they create with the children themselves are an integral part of Compagnia Rodisio's creative process and the final product of their work.
"Don't be shy in front of others! Creating
Conditions to Change from Nervousness to
Naturalness" Workshop
Date and Time: March 12, 2022 (Saturday) 10:00-12:00
Place: Fuchu Civic Activity Center Platz 6F Conference Room 3
Lecturer: Maki Sakurai (Representative of "Senya Niya")
Target: Junior high school students and older
Organized by
Performance group Senya Niya
Performance group Senya Niya
(Feb, 2022)
Workshop on
"Enjoying Everyday Life,
Mind, Body, and Expression"
Date:February 19, 2022 (Saturday)
Place: Chuo Bunka Kaikan
Target: Junior high school students and older
Organized by
Performance group Senya Niya
Performance group Senya Niya
(Jan 2022)
"Let's touch the mechanism of
body and mind!" Workshop
Date:January 22, 2022 (Saturday)
Place:Fuchu Fureaikan
Target: Junior high school students and older
Asia TYA Network
Creative Camp #1 in Toyooka (Jan, 2022)
"Let's talk with Asian friends" workshop
This project was to connect Japan, Myanmar, and Taiwan, where children could talk to each other about what they like, what they enjoy, and the differences in their environment, such as art.
(My role was to ice break for the children to talk, and facilitate the talk session, etc.)
Adaptation, composition, direction, etc
as Senya Niya
Introduction of performance group
Senya Niya
Senya Niya
Based on theater and physical expression, the group creates works based on picture books and devising without using scripts, works with overseas artists on themes that connect Japan and other countries, works for children, and works with children. The group is a creative activity group with the theme of "connecting life and art", using body, words, music, etc., valuing what comes from the person, the time, the place, etc., and holds workshops in Japan and abroad using acting techniques, drama therapy, coaching, some communication education techniques, etc., and holds workshops in Japan and abroad using some of the techniques of acting, drama therapy, coaching, communication education, etc. They also hold workshops with citizens in Fuchu City as registered lecturers dispatched by Fuchu Citizen's Activity Center Platz.
She also holds workshops for citizens in Fuchu City as a registered instructor at the Fuchu City Citizen Activity Center Platz.
Purpose of Establishment
To deepen cultural exchange through creative activities with people from overseas, regardless of whether they are professionals or amateurs, by transcending language barriers, such as international exchange based on themes born in each other's countries.
To provide works that can be enjoyed by both children and adults.
To create a safe place for participants to enjoy their daily lives, such as workshops with citizens, where they can connect with other people, relieve the stress they feel in their daily lives using theatrical techniques, etc., and find new ways of expressing themselves.
Recent activities as Senya Niya
In addition to creative activities with themes that can be enjoyed by both children and adults, we were selected for the "Yell" project, a grant for supporting citizen activities in 2021, and have been working with citizens of Fuchu City on the theme of "nurturing the power of life" by using acting techniques, communication education, drama therapy, coaching, and other techniques. We also hold workshops to help people find their own expression to live joyfully, and to relieve the stresses they feel in their daily lives.
Organized by Senya Niya
Fuchu City Citizen Activity
Support Grant
"Yell" Project (2021)
"Let's find your expression
to live happily day by day!" Workshop
We started this project from April to December 2021 with the aim of enriching the daily lives of the participants by touching upon "your expression" to live each day joyfully through a series of continuous workshops.
We will use theatrical techniques and the things we like and are passionate about as the basis for our work, and we will also use the word "town" (town, city) to describe the impressions, episodes, and images that come to mind when we hear the word "town" (town where you live now, town where you used to live, town where you will live in the future, town that remains in your memories, town that you imagine, etc.) The final goal of the event was a performance by those who wished to participate.
The final purpose of the project was to create a work entitled " A view of a Town", which was created after discussions among the participants based on their own experiences.
We created two versions: a collaborative festival version (to interact with Fuchu citizens) and a planetarium version at the Fuchu City Museum of Natural History.
Workshop and performance materials
Organized by Senya Niya (Dec,2020)
"The Best Gift in the World"
It has been a very difficult year of endurance for adults and
children as well, because of the Corona pandemic.
We wanted children in the Shonan area to give a chance to see a free
performance and enjoy the Christmas season.
So, we created this performance based on picture book.
Workshops and creative work
with children,
Hanamaki, 2018 and 2019
"Night on the Galactic Railroad
Adapted and directed "A Night on the Galactic Railroad"
Adapted and directed "A Night on the Galactic Railroad"
and performed as "Night on the Galactic Railroad (dawn)" at Hanamaki Cultural Hall after a series of workshops with Hanamaki children from April to October in both 2018 and 2019.
Performance of "Night on the Galactic Railroad (dawn)" with children
A Part of the video (2019 version)
Other Workshops
Organized by
Art in Asibina and Japan
Children's and Youth
Children's and Youth
Theatre Association.
Communication education workshops for
elementary and junior high schools
(Participated as an assistant)
Organized by Mina Watoto
"Children's Expression Workshop"
(Literary creation 2021)
Date: October - December 2021 (7 sessions)
Place: Nogawa Park, Chofu City
Target: 3rd-6th grade elementary school students
(Participate as assistants)
Organized by Mina Watoto
"Children's Play Workshop "
(Special Edition)
(Collaboration of playing outside with wooden blocks)
Dates: September and November 2021 (once each)
Place: Fuchu Park, Fuchu City
Target: 3rd-6th graders + parents
(Participating as assistants)
Maki Sakurai / Senya Niya
For requests for performances,
directing, workshops, etc.,
directing, workshops, etc.,
please contact to the address below.
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